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In order to be able to promote a business on LINE, advertisers must go through multiple steps which include ad account application, campaign set up, and payment method registration– all of which can be completed online. The initial set up process has been simplified and made available to businesses of all sizes, catering to a wide range of advertisers’ needs. However, an increasing number of applications are being rejected due to mistakes in the information provided during the application process.
The LINE Business ID verification system allows users to log into the various services provided by LINE. It can be created with a LINE account or e-mail address.
A LINE Ads account allows businesses to create and manage advertising campaigns. A separate account must be created for each business.
A Japanese credit card is the only acceptable payment method available for LINE Ads accounts. Account verification will be conducted based on the information provided in steps 2 and 3.
Step 2 – creating the LINE Ads account- is particularly tricky. There is quite a lot of information that has to be provided, such as basic information about the business, advertiser details, product details, billing information, etc. In many cases, ads accounts fail the review process due to insufficient information provided during this step.
In order to ensure a smooth and successful account review, it is crucial to pay close attention to the following reasons for rejection.
Rejection based on advertiser-related information:
Rejection based on product-related information:
Here are our tips on how to avoid rejection based on the reasons mentioned above. Make sure to confirm these details before submitting your application.
Incorrect legal name
Unclear relationship between the advertiser and promoted website
Insufficient details
Examples of an incorrect legal business name:
How to avoid rejection based on insufficient product-related information
Here are our tips on how to avoid rejection based on the reasons mentioned above. Make sure to confirm these details before submitting your application.
Incomplete product name
Invalid product URL
Inadequate LINE ID set up
Caution: Make sure to double check the company’s LINE Account ID in the LINE Official Account Manager system prior to entering the LINE Ad Account Basic / Premium ID during this step.
Once you go over those steps, fill in any additional information required, and proceed to submitting your application for review.
We hope this article sheds some light on what to pay extra attention to when applying for a LINE Ads account and how to pass the review process. We understand that this process is very rigorous, and even the smallest mistake might lead to rejection. On top of the high volume of information necessary for the initial account setup, it is not possible to open an ad account without a Japanese credit card, which poses yet another obstacle.
DMFA provides comprehensive LINE Official Account and LINE Ads account management services, including account set up. We can also provide payment method registration solutions by opening an account on your behalf, and setting up monthly invoicing for any ad spend. Please get in touch with our LINE team for a free consultation, and rest assured your account will pass the verification process, opening the door for your business to grow in the Japanese market.