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Top reasons why LINE Ads accounts and creatives get rejected

When using LINE Japan’s LINE Ads, all advertisers must undergo a review process for both the ad account and the ad itself (the creative and landing page). We explain what to know when creating an account, ad or landing page in order to ensure that you pass the screening process. This information applies to brands who are creating LINE Ads as well as agencies who are creating ads for their clients. 

LINE Ads account – top reasons for rejection

1. There is a problem with the Basic ID/Premium ID of the LINE Official Account connected to the advertising account.

LINE Ads accounts connected to LINE Official Accounts with any of the following issues will be rejected: 

  •  The profile picture is not related to the advertiser or the account’s products
  •  The account display name does not meet the following criteria:

– Includes the official name of the corporation, organisation, individual, or product/service

– Does not mislead users to believe any non-existent corporation, organisation, individual, or product or service is real

– Is not untrue or misleading 

– Does not mislead the user regarding the products or services of the company or its affiliates

You can change your profile picture and account display name from the administration page of your LINE Official Account. 

For more information, read our blog on how to open a LINE Ads account.

2. The advertiser name on the account is different from the name on the advertiser’s website

If the advertiser’s official name registered on the ad account is different from the one on the advertiser’s website, the account will be rejected. To avoid this, please ensure that the advertiser’s name on the website matches the official name registered on the ad account. Differences in notation, abbreviation, Japanese characters, or alphabetical characters may also result in the account being rejected.  

For more information, please see our blog, 6 tips on how to open a LINE Ads account.

3. The details of the advertiser are not clear on the website

If the details of the advertiser on the URL registered with the ad account are unclear, the account will be rejected. We advise you to change the URL or the website content to include relevant information. 

For more information, please see our blog, 6 tips on how to open a LINE Ads account. 

4. The advertiser’s website is defective

If each website associated with your ad account cannot be properly displayed, the account will be rejected. Please ensure that all sites are running properly. 

For more information, please see our blog, 6 tips on how to open a LINE Ads account. 

5. The relationship between the advertiser and website publisher is unclear

The account may be rejected if there is no clear indication of the relationship between the website publisher and the advertiser.  Please be sure the website clearly displays information regarding the relationship between the advertiser and the publisher so that LINE can verify that the two match.

6. Does not comply with LINE’s guidelines

If the information provided violates LINE’s advertising guidelines, the account will be rejected. Unless the guidelines change, your account will not be approved even if you try again. For more information on the industries and services not eligible to advertise on LINE Ads, please refer to our blog.


LINE Ads – top reasons for rejection

1. Does not comply with related laws and regulations

If the submitted advertisement violates the related laws and regulations, it will be rejected. To use LINE Ads, the landing page and the ad creative must comply with the provisions of laws such as the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act and the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations.

2. Contains content that users may find offensive

If the user may find the content offensive, the ad will be rejected. For more information, please see our blog, LINE Ads review process: the basics

3. Contains wording or images that violate LINE’s guidelines

If your advertisement contains images (such as the LINE chat screen or logos) that conflict with the LINE Ads Guidelines, or if you misspell ‘friends’ (友だち in Japanese) your advertisement will be rejected. When communicating the connection between a company’s LINE Official Account and the user, please use the word “friend” (友だち). 

For more information, please see our blog, LINE Ads review process: the basics.

* Example of what is considered a violation

Please ensure that there is no possibility that users may misidentify or confuse your content with LINE’s authorised content by using logos, characters, services, etc. provided or owned by LINE. 

4. Contains unrelated text, images, videos, or landing pages

Text, images, landing pages and descriptions that are different or not related to each other will result in a rejection. 

* Example of what is considered unrelated

1. Each submitted asset has: 

 – Different products/campaigns being promoted

– A discrepancy in the sales period/promotion period 

– Images unrelated to the appeal

2. Combining an image with a title that does not match


5. The information related to the ad account and the assets such as the text, images, videos, etc. are different.

If the ad account category is different from the content being advertised in the text, images, videos, etc., the ad will be rejected. 

LINE Ads landing pages – top reasons for rejection

1. The landing page is faulty

Landing pages will be rejected if any of the following apply:

  • The destination does not exist or has an error message
  • There are typographical errors
  • The images are not displayed properly
  • The qualifying period for the listed campaign has ended
  • Forms such as “Contact Us” and “Membership Registration” collect users’ personal information, but the handling of information does not comply with the Personal Information Protection Law (e.g. does not properly handle personal information or does not have a privacy policy).
  • The advertiser’s official name registered on the ad account does not match the advertiser’s name on the landing page. 

2. There is a discrepancy between the content of the ad account category and the appeal of the landing page.

If the ad account category of the ad does not relate to the content being promoted on the landing page, the ad will be rejected. 

Get started with LINE Ads

By following the above rules and guidelines, you will be able to pass the LINE Ads screening process and start using LINE Ads to promote your brand. DMFA is the official overseas LINE agency, and our team of bilingual Japanese digital marketing specialists provide full support for LINE Ads and LINE Official Accounts. If you are interested in using LINE Ads, please contact us.

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