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2024 Digital Advertising in Taiwan: All You Need to Know 

In recent years, Taiwan has become a significant force in the global digital advertising market. Thanks to its highly connected populace and strong digital ecosystem, the island nation presents a distinctive setting for marketers wishing to reach the Asian market.

This article thoroughly analyses digital advertising in Taiwan, including significant developments, popular platforms, and practical tactics. 

Overview of the Digital Advertising Landscape

Taiwan is renowned for its advanced technological infrastructure and high internet penetration rate. According to the Statista, over 90% of the Taiwanese use the internet. This widespread connectivity creates fertile ground for digital advertising, allowing brands to reach a diverse and engaged audience. 

In January 2024, there were 21.71 million internet users in Taiwan. According to a Kepios investigation, Taiwan’s internet user base grew by 26,000 (+0.1%) between January 2023 and January 2024. 

To put things in perspective, 2.23 million people in Taiwan were offline at that time. This is about 9.3% of the population. 

According to Kepios data, Taiwanese social media users declined by 1.0 million (-5%) between early 2023 and early 2024.  

At the beginning of 2024, 80.2% of Taiwanese people were active on social media. However, it’s important to note that not all social media accounts belong to unique individuals. (For more details, refer to our comprehensive data notes). 

Key Digital Marketing Trends in Taiwan

Mobile Dominance

Mobile devices play a leading role in digital marketing in Taiwan. According to Global Data, mobile advertising makes up over 70% of the total digital ad spend in the country. The high number of smartphone users and the growing time spent on apps and websites drive this trend. 

2024 Internet Use in Taiwan

Source: Digital 2024: Taiwan

Social Media Advertising

Social media platforms are crucial for digital advertising in Taiwan. Facebook, Instagram, and LINE are a few of the most widely used channels for connecting with consumers in Taiwan.

LINE continues to be the most popular social media platform, according to We Are Social. Instagram and Facebook follow it, with Facebook being especially well-liked for messaging and social interactions. 

2024 Most Used Social Media Platforms | TaiwanSource: Digital 2024: Taiwan

Video Content Growth

In Taiwan, the use of video content has grown significantly. More people interact with video content on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. People use them for both entertainment and educational purposes. Advertisers use these platforms to produce attractive video advertisements that appeal to regional populations.


Popular Digital Advertising Platforms

Top websites in Taiwan | SEMrush ranking

Source: SEMrush

Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful tool for targeting Taiwanese consumers. The platform lets advertisers make search and display ads on Google’s search results pages and many partner sites. Local businesses and global brands use Google Ads to capture users’ attention actively searching for products and services. 

Campaigns on YouTube channels are also managed through Google Ads. 

Facebook and Instagram

In Taiwan, many digital advertising methods heavily rely on Facebook and Instagram. Both platforms offer advanced targeting capabilities, such as behavioral, geographic, and demographic targeting. Advertisers can run various ad types to efficiently target the proper demographic. Carousels, sponsored stories and reels are particularly popular.


With its LINE Ads platform, LINE—a well-known messaging service in Taiwan—offers distinctive advertising opportunities. These include sponsored stickers and in-app ads, which can raise brand awareness and engagement. Because of its robust local presence, targeting Taiwanese consumers requires using LINE. 

Unlocking Boundless Connectivity with LINE App in Taiwan

Understanding customer behavior through digital advertising


Localization is key to successful digital advertising in Taiwan. This involves adapting content to align with local culture, language, and preferences. Effective localization ensures that ads resonate with Taiwanese consumers and increase the likelihood of engagement and conversion. 

Digital Platform Usage

  • Social Media: Facebook and Instagram are very popular in Taiwan. LINE maintains a significant presence and many people use it for personal and business communication. TikTok is growing rapidly among younger users. 
  • E-commerce: Well-known sites include Shopee, PChome, and Momo. Taiwanese customers purchase online with ease and frequently search for sales and promotions. 

Popular ecommerce platforms in taiwan

Consumer Preferences

  • Mobile-First: A large portion of Taiwanese consumers browse and shop on their smartphones, so mobile-friendly apps and websites are essential. 
  • Local Relevance: Local tastes and cultural relevance are key factors in content performance. Tailored advertising that considers regional tastes and cultures works well. 
  • Trust and Reviews: Customers frequently use ratings and reviews as a guide when making decisions. Establishing trust by using open procedures and providing excellent customer service is crucial. 

Advertising Channels

  • Influencer Marketing: Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and influencers play a significant role in shaping consumer purchasing decisions. Collaborating with local influencers can enhance a business’s reach and credibility. 
  • Video Content: Engaging video content, including live streams and short clips, is highly effective. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok are popular for video-based marketing. 

Consumer Behavior Trends

  • Omnichannel Experience: Taiwanese customers anticipate an uninterrupted online and offline experience. Improving the customer journey can be achieved by integrating digital and physical interactions. 
  • Sustainability and Ethics: Concern and knowledge about corporate social responsibility and sustainability are rising. Brands that prioritize environmental responsibility and ethical behavior may find greater favor with ethical customers. 

Challenges and Considerations

Regulatory Environment

Taiwan has strict regulations regarding digital advertising, including data privacy laws and advertising standards. Advertisers must comply with these regulations to avoid legal issues and build trust with consumers. 

Market Competition

Taiwan’s digital advertising market is very competitive. Many local and foreign brands are trying to grab consumers’ attention. Advertisers who want to stand out need to create unique and interesting ads. This helps their brand stand apart from competitors.  

Let’s work together!

Digital advertising presents intriguing prospects for organizations aiming to interact with an informed and engaged audience in Taiwan. Through the implementation of effective techniques, popular platforms, and significant trends, advertisers can effectively navigate the Taiwanese market and accomplish their marketing objectives.

Keeping up with the most recent developments and industry best practices will be essential for long-term success in the ever-changing digital market.  

Need support starting or growing your business in Taiwan? Contact DMFA consulting team to get more information. 

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