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Discover how we can support your client base in Japan

We are open to partnership opportunities to create a strong network across the digital marketing spectrum in Japan.

We are LINE and Yahoo! JAPAN official media reps.

Our team offers agencies a wide array of digital marketing support services to help effectively expand their clients into Japan and localize their solutions to Japanese audiences.

Why partner with us?

Partnering with an organization with cross-cultural knowledge, resources, and experiences is critical to effectively accelerating business in the Japanese local ecosystem and accessing these opportunities.

As part of the SoftBank family and bilingual and multicultural marketing experts, our group synergy can be leveraged to navigate your clients through the complexity of Japan’s markets.

With us, you will be able to provide your client base with comprehensive support on Japan’s largest platforms.

Case Study

Why does finding the right partner
for the Japanese market matter?

A conversation with Neticon and DMFA.

Download free case study
We’re greater than the sum of our parts.
We’re open and here to listen.
We work closely together to achieve great things.
We’re greater than the sum of our parts.
We’re open and here to listen.
We work closely together to achieve great things.

Our Services

As official LINE Yahoo Corporation media reps we offer Complimentary Support to advertisers
who manage their own Yahoo! JAPAN Ad and LINE Ad Accounts.

We also organise training sessions, webinars, and industry guest speaking services that can benefit your team.


Advertise on Japan’s favourite platform.

LINE is Japan’s largest social media platform, with over 96 million active users. It offers unprecedented reach and unique advertising opportunities.

Learn more

Yahoo! JAPAN Ads

Beyond a search engine.

Yahoo! JAPAN is more than just a search engine. With over 83 billion monthly page views, it is the biggest online platform in the country.

Learn more

Webinars & Training

Next level collaboration.

Our team of experts frequently joins webinars and events as guest speakers. We also organise training sessions and skills workshops.

Let's discuss opportunities

Start advertising in Japan

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