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LINE in Thailand: A Marketer’s Paradise  

In Thailand, staying connected digitally is convenient and a way of life. At the heart of this vibrant connectivity lies the LINE app. It is a versatile and feature-rich platform that has seamlessly integrated itself into Thai society.  

LINE has become the go-to solution for connecting with friends, family, colleagues, and businesses nationwide. 


Impressive numbers  

Since its introduction to Thai consumers a decade ago, LINE has become one of the country’s most popular applications .  

A 2024 report by Datareporter shows that LINE ranks second among Thailand’s most-used social media platforms, only 1% lower than Facebook.

Source: Data Portal 

Yet when compared solely with other messaging apps, LINE stays at the top.  

By January 2024, the number of monthly active LINE users had reached 54 million, or 85.4% of Thailand’s internet users. 

Source: Data Portal  

The platform is successful because it puts effort into creating a user-friendly messaging app. The app includes new and creative features. It is constantly being improved.  


Multi-channel Messaging  

LINE offers many messaging features, including text messaging, voice and video calls, group chats, and multimedia sharing. Users can easily communicate with their friends, family, and colleagues through various channels within the app.  


Community Building  

The platform fosters community building and social interaction through features like LINE Groups and LINE Timeline. Users can connect with others who have similar interests. They can also follow celebrities and influencers. Users can interact by commenting and liking posts on the Timeline.  


Additional Services  

In addition to messaging, it offers many additional services and features that enhance its functionality as a communication platform. These include: 

  • LINE Pay for mobile payments,  
  • LINE TV for streaming videos,  
  • LINE Today for news and content,  
  • LINE MAN for food delivery,  
  • and LINE Shopping for e-commerce.  


Cultural integration  

Its unwavering commitment to understanding and catering to Thai users’ unique preferences sets the platform apart in Thailand.  

Stickers have become a ubiquitous form of expression in Thai digital communication. LINE has capitalized on this phenomenon by offering a variety of branded and user-generated stickers.

Nong Mali and Friends stickers  

Source: LINE Store 

LINE x Thai Cuisine  

Source: LINE Store  

Stickers help businesses display their brand in a fun and interactive way. They also help create a personal connection with consumers. Companies can use stickers to engage with their audience and make their brand more memorable. 

Stickers are a creative tool that can help businesses stand out and leave a lasting impression on customers. Through sponsored sticker sets and sticker-based campaigns, brands can extend their reach and foster deeper connections with their target audience.  


Business Integration  

LINE has expanded beyond messaging. Business integrations have further solidified its presence in the Thai market, making it not just a messaging app but also a platform for various daily activities.  

One of LINE’s greatest strengths lies in its integrated services ecosystem, which seamlessly blends communication with commerce and entertainment. Businesses can leverage LINE Official Accounts to engage directly with customers, offering personalized promotions, customer support, and interactive content.  

Furthermore, LINE Pay facilitates frictionless transactions, enabling users to purchase within the app and beyond. This integration  streamlines the customer journey and provides valuable data insights for targeted marketing campaigns.  


Privacy and Security 

LINE prioritizes user privacy and security, implementing end-to-end encryption and strict privacy policies to protect user’s data. This commitment to privacy has earned users’ trust and contributed to LINE’s status as a preferred communication platform in Thailand.  


Why should you choose LINE for advertising in Thailand?  

  • Massive User Base:LINE boasts an enormous user base in Thailand, with millions of active users nationwide. Advertising on LINE allows you to reach a vast audience and maximize the exposure of your brand or product.  
  • Targeted Advertising Options: With LINE, you can customize your advertising campaigns to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Leveraging user data and segmentation tools can help you tailor your ads to your target audience’s preferences, increasing your campaigns’ effectiveness.  
  • Interactive Ad Formats:LINE supports various interactive ad formats, including stickers, video ads, and sponsored content. These formats enable meaningful engagement with users, driving higher levels of interaction and brand recall.  
  • Integration with Messaging: LINE ads are seamlessly integrated into the messaging experience, appearing alongside conversations in the app. This native integration ensures that your ads are seen in a contextually relevant and non-intrusive manner, increasing the likelihood of user engagement.  
  • Business Solutions: Besides advertising, LINE offers a wide range of business solutions that can complement your marketing efforts. These include LINE Official Accounts for brand presence, LINE@ for customer engagement, and LINE Shopping for e-commerce integration, providing a holistic approach to your marketing strategy.  
  • Measurement and Analytics: LINE provides advertisers with robust measurement and analytics tools that allow you to track campaign performance in real-time. You can easily track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions, enabling you to fine-tune your campaigns for optimal results.  
  • Trusted Platform:LINE is a trusted and established platform in Thailand with a strong reputation for privacy and security. Advertising on LINE allows you to leverage the credibility and trust associated with the platform, enhancing your brand awareness among consumers.  


Fostering your Brand Expression with LINE in Thailand  

As the country’s most popular messaging platform, LINE provides an engaging platform for showcasing your brand’s personality and values.  

Before diving deep into advertising with LINE, start your marketing strategy with market research.  

You could also work with advertising and marketing agencies or consultants to benefit from their knowledge and skills. 

Let’s work together!

At DMFA, we provide LINE support services not only in Thailand but also in Japan and Taiwan.

Contact our team for further information if you want to promote your business on LINE.

Simply fill in the form and our team will get back to you as soon as possible →

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